bring joy to your everyday life with
our fresh flowers and whimsical art
Our hurry-up world is full of long commutes and longer to-do lists; stressful performance reviews and dings from your pocket that keep you away from who and what you love. There are many antidotes to this modern condition, but few of them seem within your reach.
Sharing your love with friends and family, however, is a guaranteed shot of joy for both the giver and the receiver. We grow heirloom quality, long-lasting flowers and make framed artwork in Fairview, PA to give you a way to tell someone you care, or remind yourself how precious and beautiful our life really is.
Why bother to grow flowers when they seem to be available at every grocery store or florist? These inexpensive and common flowers lose their appeal when you understand what it takes to get them here. Our unique locally grown alternative, delivered to your house or business, will not only make everyone smile and start a conversation but also will bring the joy of our beautiful natural world to any event or room.
“Our experience of flowers is so deeply drenched in our sense of time. Maybe there’s a good reason we find their fleetingness so piercing, can scarcely look at a flower in bloom without thinking ahead, whether in hope or regret. We might share with certain insects a tropism inclining us toward flowers, but presumably insects can look at a blossom without entertaining thoughts of the past and future — complicated human thoughts that may once have been anything but idle. Flowers have always had important things to teach us about time.”